What did I get myself into? This is all you get. Don't expect to see many more of these pics. I feel like a dorky teenager all over again, haha! But my bottom teeth have already straightened out so I'm hoping all this metal will be off before next summer!
Okay so I totally took a vacation from blogging so this is the ultimate update for July. Starting from the most recent way back to the 4th...
Jon's new love...HOCKEY! Jon and his bro, Aaron, are in a hockey league now and play a couple times a week. I must admit that Jon is a pretty hot hockey player and he still has all of his teeth! ;)
Jon's Dad, Mom, and little bro, Ryan, came to visit us for a couple weeks and we had a blast with them! Kylea fell instantly in love with "Ampa" and "Amma" and Tucker (AKA Ryan). We have no idea why she calls Ryan "Tucker", but we told Ryan that he should feel honored because Tucker is Kylea's best buddy. We got to show them around Richmond and even took a trip up to DC to see all the monuments and museums. It was really hot, but so much fun! We also had lots of yummy family dinners together with Jon being the cook for most...Go Jon! Grammy spoiled Kylea each day with a new toy and lots of hugs & kisses. We had a really great time with everyone and hope they come back for another visit soon. Love you guys! Love you "Amma"! Thanks for coming to visit me!Kylea knew right away that she could go to "Ampa" for just about anything, esp. when Mama & Dada had already told her "No"! :) Thanks for playing with me "Tucker" j/k Ryan! ;)
Happy 26th Birthday Jonnie! We love you! Trip to DC Thanks again for coming to visit us Grandpa, Grammy & Ryan! We love you!
We feel so blessed to have such great friends out here in Virginia. We're so glad we were able to be at Cooper's blessing and meet Melissa's parents (great people). We played a mean game of Rage and had a great time hanging out (as usual). Love you guys!
We celebrated the beginning of summer break with some friends at Fuddruckers. The Kims, Ruckers, Shermans & Lees ...and then some ring around the rosie and arcades!
We celebrated the 4th in Yorktown, VA...the site of the last battle of the Revolutionary War. We went with Aaron & Drew (thanks for driving Aaron!) and saw lots of friends from the ward there. It started to down pour about an hour before the fireworks show, but we stuck around for them and we were glad that we did. We thought Kylea would be scared, but she actually really loved the "sparklies." We enjoyed a nice day remembering the many blessings this country offers us and also those who fight for our freedom. God Bless America!
We came back from the pool the other day and I pulled out the camera to snap some pics. As soon as Kylea saw it, she started her "cheeses". I never get tired of seeing this face! :) Love you Kylea!
Kylea's new faves are "choo choo" trains, airplanes, and fire trucks, but don't let this tom boy selection fool you. She is still a diva through and through with a serious shoe fetish! The first thing she does when she wakes up is reaches for her shoe basket and tries on at least 3 different pairs. She then goes downstairs and tries on a few more from the shoe rack. Then she wants Mama's shoes on and Dada's shoes on (even if we don't want them on because we're not going anywhere). She'd much rather go to the shoe department than the toy department (which btw, I love because I'd much rather be in shoes too!). What can I say?...she takes after her mother...and father (Jon has way too many shoes for a guy...shhh! Don't tell him I told ya! ;) Anyway, back to the choo choo...Kylea loves to ride the little train at the mall. She even waits patiently in line to give the conducter her ticket! She loves her leopard shoes that are too big for her and always end up on the wrong feet...too funny!
We met at BYU-Hawaii our freshman year and have been madly in love ever since. We have one little diva and one little guy who remind us every day of just how blessed we are. We're currently living in St. Louis, Missouri while Jon finishes his Orthodontics residency at SLU.
Kylea: "Do you want to try my cereal Mommy? (Cheerios with honey and soymilk)
Mommy: "No thank you."
Kylea: "Mommy, it's really good, I promise. What are you allergic to?"
Mommy: "Just airplanes." (Contact dermatitis)
Kylea: "Okay this doesn't have any airplanes in it so you can eat it."
"Tough times don't last.
Tough people do."
(My amazing Dad always tells me this. Love you Dad!)