Tuesday, March 3, 2009

East Coast Snow

It started snowing on Sunday and it stuck this time...so much that we had a Snow Day on Monday! Jon was excited to stay home from school and we had fun playing in about 14 inches of snow!


The Robisons said...

I'm glad we didn't get that snow! :o) Snow days are nice though...
Family pictures were great! Emilee and Kylea have a lot of the same dresses...gotta love Target!

Monique said...

You guys are lucky, here in Arizona it's already too hot for being March! We miss you guys a lot!

Rachel said...

CRAZY! I can't believe the storm. It was in the 70's here this last weekend.

owona said...

So fun!! Did you make a snowman? I love Ea's cute pink snow suit...SO CUTE!!