Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Little Stink!


After Kylea dumped the whole toy bin on the floor and started to leave the room, I said...
"Kylea, you need to pick up those toys please."
Kylea: "Uhhhh, Mom. Just let me do what I want or I'm going to sell you to the zoo."

Oh my gosh! She said it in a joking way so I laughed, but boy am I scared for the teenage years with this sassy little thang. ;)
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Aaron & Drew Rucker said...

Hahaha this made Aaron and I both laugh pretty hard. She's trouble Lissa :) can't wait to see you guys just next week! Hooray!

Josh and Diana Lee said...

That's cute! At least she has a good sense of humor. ;-)

Brittany said...

That is hilarious. I'm sure you'll be glad you wrote that one down!