Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fun at the Park!




Kylea LOVES going to the park (which is only a few minutes from our new home here in St. Louis) and she can't get enough of her new buddies, Carson & Cami. Their daddy is in the same orthodontic residency as Jon and they live in the same complex as us so it has been super fun hanging with them! They are the cutest little kids and their mama is an amazing photographer! Thanks for snapping these cute pics Danica!
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Aly said...

Seriously. Those pictures are just candid ones at the park but they look fantastic! What kind of camera does she use? I'm glad you have friends in your complex and that a park is close. That can make all of the difference! Oh, I just wish you were still here with all of the funny things and drama going on!

Lindsay said...

these pictures are so cute! I love all your kids they are so adorable! and they look so cute in their halloween costumes =)

owona said...

Oh my cute! What fun! Looks like Ea has some good buddies over there! Love you guys!

owona said...

PS...LO-VE the new background...adorable!