Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ea's 1st Day of Preschool

Kylea goes to preschool now, 2 days a week in the afternoon, and she loves it! She got to pick out a new Tinkerbell backpack and is having fun making new friends. When we went to the Open House she asked me if I was going to stay with her. I told her that I was going to stay for that day, but that she would have to stay by herself when school started the next day. I was expecting her to say that she wanted me to stay, but nope...the complete opposite. She said (in a nice way), "Ok good because I don't want you to stay because I'm big enough to go to school by myself now." Ummm, and then I cried the whole way home. I can't believe how fast she has grown up and how independent she has become. Not sure what I'm going to do next year when kindergarten comes. But I'm glad that she's loving school! Oh and let me explain the last pic...when she got home from her 1st day of school, she had a meltdown because she was so tired and after spending some time in her room, I came up and found her asleep in the corner. :)


marcy said...

Good for Kylea! She is precious! I use to hear people say "enjoy them...they grow up so quickly" I never paid much attention to it but it is the absolute truth! I know that now. :) Does Kade miss Sissy when she is at school?

owona said...

HOLY COW, WHAT A CUTIE!! I can't believe how fast she is growing! She is so beautiful, I can't stand it! Can you believe she's already in Pre-K? What the What?? What an exciting time in your lives...she's going to learn and grow so much, and you'll get some extra one-on-one time with Kade. It's a win-win! Love ya!

marcy said...

Tell Kylea 'mimi' needs a new picture for her frig :)

Aaron & Drew Rucker said...

I can totally see miss Ea saying that too you! What a little stink :) miss you guys! Fun to read some updates!

owona said...

Btw, if you made her skirt, I just might smack ya! Oh, and love the shoe change from your house to the school...totally something Oni would do! Lol!!

Me and My Boys said...

Ohhh, that is the sweetest picture. Poor little girl, so tired. It's hard having so much fun. I'm glad she loves it so much!

Danica said...

Oh sweet girl asleep in the corner!! She's so adorable. I'm glad she's loving school.